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Making the decision to "Fix Your Credit"....

The Decision to Fix Your Credit is a Very Big One….

Many aim to complete this task year after year and are often met with numerous challenges where it simply just becomes “Something they attempted and may save for later, but can't complete this right now”. Due to common hurdles…

No matter what the hurdle is, I can assure you that it comes from a lack of understanding of “What is on their credit” and not understanding “How to maintain credit. This is common nowadays because the only promoted language on credit is “Boost your score” When people think about credit they think it's the numeric portion that's going to get them to the gates of approval and that just not the way this thing works.

There's just so much that we can learn from our credit and there are certain weights we must lift first in order to get the results which we need. What really comes first?
  • Is it the score?

  • Is it the way I manage my finances?

  • How do I approach clearing up my negatives?

  • What are these numbers on my credit report?

  • Which of these remarks are causing my score to decline?

  • Why Do I have credit cards and I'm still not building credit?

  • I thought they said once I start making these car payments my credit score would go up?

  • Everything looks like it's on time, am I doing something wrong?

  • OMG I just got approved, but was it a good approval?

  • How are my sub prime accounts hurting me? What is Subprime?

  • Why does it seem like I’m barely paying this account down? I know I’ve paid more


Then comes the two real questions:

1.) What am I doing wrong?

2.) Will I ever get this thing right and get to my goals?

Then comes the challenge…

Do I hire someone to fix this or do I fix it all myself. Well sweetheart, here's the good news…

You can TOTALLY do this thing on your own. The things that you need to learn are:

  1. It’s going to take time

  2. It won't happen overnight…

  3. You wont start tonight and become an overnight success tomorrow

  4. It took some time to make this mess and it's going to take some time to get this stuff cleared up.

  5. It will only get as good as your effort and input allows

If… You’re really ready to do this thing and you really want to make a difference in your finances then join us for Season 1 of the Urban Financial Java Live Podcast.

I’ll be discussing Credit from Start to Finish. From Understanding the full report and how to really read it in order to become effective in remedying the issues…….all the way to “Dam I really paid and settled a major debt for way less than I owed” and also be prepared for a lot of Dam I didn't know that and I had no clue that would actually work”....

Yep, You guessed it. Shits about to get way real, I’m gonna teach you the ins and the outs and all the in between shit the copy and paste cappers…. Just can't teach you because they simply don't understand “Finance and Banking” to correlate why credit just has to be manipulated a certain way.

This is not another “Tell or sign up 5 people pyramid bs scheme”..... It's just some hard core Financial Advice from someone who spent 17 years behind a desk crunching numbers, negotiating deals, doing loans, loss mitigation. Short sale contract negotiator, financial analysis, procurement, running businesses and keeping owners in tip top shape…. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda….


So my recommendation is that you guys do a few things:

  1. Subscribe to the Podcast to Keep up with this season

  2. Download your “Understanding & Maintaining Credit Guide & Letter Templates”

  3. Order some form of binder to place your guide and templates as well as all the Documents you’re going to eventually end up gathering.

  4. Grab some dividers, There's also the sleeve kind and a 3 hole punch

  5. Box of Envelopes and for heavier disputes with more documentation grab these

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah I know it sounds like a lot but it's easy grabs from amazon or the Dollar Tree, Nothing Crazy! While you’re out and about, grab a book of stamps. Pick a day when you’re able to sit and listen, or leave your phone on play while you dig for all the stuff you’ll need to send the supporting documents for your disputes.

For the next few weeks we will be diving into this whole credit thing deeply. You’ll soon find that the Journey to really fix your credit will require more than a desire of simply wanting a higher score. It’s going to require some discipline and changes in your financial habits and how you prioritize your debt. I know this just seems so foreign as though I'm taking you out of your comfort zone and it may seem like you're going to need a little extra time but truth be told …. You’ll be just fine. You’re saving thousands on using a Credit Repair service and you don't have to show your “Financial Funk” to anyone but YOU.

I believe you’re in the Best Hands on for your " Credit Fixin Journey"… If you’ve ever attended my Workshops or Zooms, I’m simply moving to your phone at your convenience

Now Let’s Begin

Since you've Made it through this Blog Post. Here's a Coupon for $10 off your "Understanding & Maintaining Credit Guide w/ Letter Templates"


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